Matt Perryman

You really did it, you madman*

So you followed the instructions. Excellent.

This is the part where I’m supposed to welcome you and love bomb you like a cult and promise you the whole world since you joined my email list.

Come on now.

I like you and all but…

Alright, alright.

I’m a grouchy introvert, the whole expressing-appreciation thing isn’t natural.

But for real, I do appreciate your interest.

One part about the love-bomb cult thing is right though.

You’re in Matt’s world now.

That’s more literal than you realize.

If you want to know what that means for you, here’s what happens next.

You have an email waiting from me in your inbox.

You want to read it, I promise.

Go do that. It’s worth your time.

Be good & take it easy.

Matt Perryman


* Sorry if I misgendered you.**

** You’re in Matt’s world now. I’m not sorry about anything.