Don’t serve the diabetic with a bag of sugar

Would you give a bag of sugar to a diabetic if they wanted it real bad? I hope not, but I’ve seen the equivalent happen and so have you. That’s the person that picks up a 12-pack for the guy with an obvious drinking problem. The person that keeps on … Keep reading

P. T. Barnum’s the only man to win an online argument

Barnum, he of the traveling circus fame, was a fascinating character. He all but invented the strategic use of showmanship to capture attention and draw rabid audiences to his spectacles. He did wild, crazy, borderline unethical things to bring in the crowds. When you put it in context, he wasn’t … Keep reading

You aren’t going to change the fitness world.

If you’re a gym owner or personal trainer and your mission is “to change the fitness world”, I’ve got bad news for you. Over the last 25 years (God it has been that long) only a few people even approached that level. Greg Glassman made an undeniable impact with Crossfit. … Keep reading