I couldn’t think of anything good to write about today, so I’ll write about two days ago when I spilled coffee all over my keyboard.
I’ve got one of those mechanical keyboards that does the loud click-click when you type. Knocked half a cup of espresso all over the thing while fiddling with my headphones.
Good news is it’s a resilient keyboard. I unplugged it immediately and dumped out all the liquid. Before it was done I had to take the thing apart and give it a good wipe-down on the inside.
Minus a coffee smell, which is kind of a bonus to me, it’s fine. It’d be nice if all my electronics were that reliable.
Talking about taking punishment.
Yesterday on the Squat Every Day webinar, I said a little bit about how we handle stress. Only it was way more than just that, and, okay, yes, it wasn’t just a little. Stress was one of the three major ideas I talked about.
Stress is the gap between the expectation and the reality. Which means there’s a huge element of perception involved. Your life goes well, or doesn’t, according to how you respond to your situation.
It’s fair to say that human lives are one never-ending conflict between a desire to achieve and acquire things, and the belief we’ll be happy if we get what we want.
Neither one of them is true. We aren’t happy without things and we aren’t happy with them.
The secret to avoiding misery and burn-out… and hitting world-class targets… is right there in that sentence.
Hopes and dreams that don’t exist outside our minds can motivate us more than real pain or pleasure.
It ain’t easy being human. But, should you know how to use it, this conflict can become a superpower.
And should you be interested in learning more about these ideas and putting them to use in your own life, I’m opening up a few 1:1 coaching spots for the good people on my email list.
I tell you up front: It’s not cheap, it’s not for tire-kickers, and I am NOT offering workout programs or fitness coaching (although I can give you some guidance in that area). Frankly if you want to hire me to give you a workout, you’ve missed the real opportunity.
This is right for people who are feeling stuck in a personal, professional, or business-related situation.
If you’d like deep insight, an outsider’s perspective, regular reassurance and accountability, and life-transforming ideas, you might be who I’m looking for.
Matt Perryman